Thursday, August 6, 2009

Dog says...

'Have you not seen that in Animal Planet? ' my mom asked from the balcony... 'No 'ma ' I said 'I don't even remember the last time I watched Animal Planet/Discovery.. Not waiting to hear my answer she continued..

'Dog says' said my mom, 'Whow Whow' my son chorused..
'Cat says' said my son, 'Meow Meow' said my mom..
'Duck says' my mom, 'Quack Quack' my son..
'Sheep says' my son, 'Baa Baa' my mom..
'Cock says' my mom, 'Cock-a-doodle-doo' my son.. he was all set for his next turn to ask..
'Camel says' my son, '!!!&%%^&!!##' my mom.. not satisfied he took the next turn to0..
'Zebra says' my son, '%%^^**$$!!!*' my mom helplessly turned to me.. 'If not the Camel, have you atleast seen what Zebra says in Animal Planet ?' she asked .. !!!$$^^&&!!^^

Camel says ?? Zebra says ?? If you have ever seen/heard what they say , do tell me.. My 2 year old little one will never stop this unless he finds the answer!! :-)


  1. This is so cute.. Brings out the natural inquisitiveness of kids which we adults outgrow and take for granted.. Hope he continues this way..

  2. @Kool Like Dat: good he continues this way.. tho' I hv a tough time finding the answers :-)

  3. I too don have an answer sis... he also asked me the same question.....i felt so dumb when he asked me... B.E degree MBA and so many certificates and awards ....But i don know the answer.....I asked this question to myself. I bet no one can answer his questions...Lets wait for more questions and then publish a book with a title "camel says & zebra says ?"...
